Graphics and Imaging Lab

The Graphics and Imaging Lab is a research group working on computer graphics and computational imaging at Universidad de Zaragoza. The group does relevant research in the areas of physically-based rendering, image processing, computational imaging, virtual reality, applied perception... There are currently five main lines of research, which can be browsed here.

Prof. Diego Gutierrez is the founder and head of the lab, which additionally has five faculty members, one postdocs, eight PhD students, and a number of master and undergrad students. We additionally collaborate with a number of institutions, both in academia and industry.

Latest news

Jul , 2024

We are honored and absolutely thrilled to be the recipients of a SIGGRAPH 2024 Test-of-Time Award for our 2013 article Femto-Photography: Capturing and Visualizing the Propagation of Light. This work, led by Ramesh Raskar’s group at MIT Media Lab and with Andreas Velten as first author, inspired new non-line-of-sight imaging modalities to “look around corners”. These awards are given to papers that have had a significant and lasting impact on computer graphics and interactive techniques over at least a decade. We are deeply grateful.

Jul , 2024

Our PostDoc Daniel Martin has been awarded with the “Computer Science Society of Spain (Sociedad Científica Informática de España, SCIE) - BBVA Foundation Research Award”, for his contributions in the fields of virtual reality and computer graphics during his Ph.D. Thesis.

Jun , 2024

Our work Practical Appearance Model for Foundation Cosmetics has been accepted for presentation at EGSR 2024 and for publication in Computer Graphics Forum.

Jun , 2024

Our work tSPM-Net: A probabilistic spatio-temporal approach for scanpath prediction has been accepted to Computers & Graphics, and has obtained the CEIG 2024 Best Paper Award.

May , 2024

Our work TexSliders: Diffusion-Based Texture Editing in CLIP Space has been accepted for presentation at SIGGRAPH 2024.

Mar , 2024

Our Associate Professor Ana Serrano has been awarded with the “VGTC Virtual Reality Significant New Researcher Award 2024”, for her contributions in the field of virtual reality.

Mar , 2024

Our work Modeling the Impact of Head-Body Rotations on Audio-Visual Spatial Perception for Virtual Reality Applications has been accepted for presentation at IEEE VR 2024 and for publication in Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).

Mar , 2024

Our work Cohesive framework for non-line-of-sight imaging based on Dirac notation has been accepted for publication in Optics Express.

Mar , 2024

Our student Dani Martin has succesfully defended her PhD thesis (Sobresaliente Cum Laude). He will join us as PostDoc.

Feb , 2024

Our work SAL3D: a model for saliency prediction in 3D meshes has been accepted for publication in The Visual Computer.

Where to Find Us

Universidad de Zaragoza
EINA (Edificio Ada Byron)
Maria de Luna, 1
50018 Zaragoza (Spain)

Contact Us

graphics AT unizar DOT es