TexSliders: Diffusion-Based Texture Editing in CLIP Space

We include here the results of our diffusion-based texture editing method on our full test dataset. First, we show results for generated textures, and then, for photographed ones.
For every editing direction (defined by a pair of text prompts), we include two input textures generated with different random seeds.
Please note that the two left-most columns and the right-most column are results of extrapolating the computed direction (see main paper for more details).

Generated Textures

Editing Prompts-1.0-0.5Input Texture+0.5+1.0+1.5
"aged bricks" -> "new bricks"
"aged bricks" -> "new bricks"
"bricks" -> "mossy bricks"
"bricks" -> "mossy bricks"
"dark bricks" -> "bright bricks"
"dark bricks" -> "bright bricks"
"red bricks" -> "grey bricks"
"red bricks" -> "grey bricks"
"rough bricks" -> "smooth bricks"
"rough bricks" -> "smooth bricks"
"aged wood" -> "new wood"
"aged wood" -> "new wood"
"dark wood" -> "bright wood"
"dark wood" -> "bright wood"
"red wood" -> "grey wood"
"red wood" -> "grey wood"
"rough wood" -> "smooth wood"
"rough wood" -> "smooth wood"
"wood" -> "mossy wood"
"wood" -> "mossy wood"
"dark fabric" -> "bright fabric"
"dark fabric" -> "bright fabric"
"fabric" -> "fabric close-up"
"fabric" -> "metallic fabric"
"fabric" -> "fabric close-up"
"fabric" -> "metallic fabric"
"red fabric" -> "grey fabric"
"red fabric" -> "grey fabric"
"rough fabric" -> "smooth fabric"
"rough fabric" -> "smooth fabric"
"shiny fabric" -> "matte fabric"
"shiny fabric" -> "matte fabric"
"dark metal" -> "bright metal"
"dark metal" -> "bright metal"
"metal" -> "rusty metal"
"metal" -> "rusty metal"
"red metal" -> "grey metal"
"red metal" -> "grey metal"
"aged paper" -> "new paper"
"aged paper" -> "new paper"
"dark paper" -> "bright paper"
"dark paper" -> "bright paper"
"red paper" -> "grey paper"
"red paper" -> "grey paper"
"dark leather" -> "bright leather"
"dark leather" -> "bright leather"
"red leather" -> "grey leather"
"red leather" -> "grey leather"
"rough leather" -> "smooth leather"
"rough leather" -> "smooth leather"
"shiny leather" -> "matte leather"
"shiny leather" -> "matte leather"
"dark stones" -> "bright stones"
"dark stones" -> "bright stones"
"red stones" -> "grey stones"
"red stones" -> "grey stones"
"rough stones" -> "smooth stones"
"rough stones" -> "smooth stones"
"small stones" -> "big stones"
"small stones" -> "big stones"
"stones" -> "cracked stones"
"stones" -> "mossy stones"
"stones" -> "cracked stones"
"stones" -> "mossy stones"
"wet stones" -> "dry stones"
"wet stones" -> "dry stones"

Photographed Textures

Input TextureEditing Prompts-1.0-0.5Reconstruction+0.5+1.0+1.5
"aged bricks" -> "new bricks"
"red bricks" -> "white bricks"
"aged wood" -> "new wood"
"rough wood" -> "smooth wood"
"red fabric" -> "grey fabric"
"shiny fabric" -> "matte fabric"
"metal" -> "rusty metal"
"rough metal" -> "smooth metal"
"white paper" -> "red paper"
"aged paper" -> "new paper"
"shiny leather" -> "matte leather"
"rough leather" -> "smooth leather"
"stones" -> "mossy stones"
"dry stones" -> "wet stones"